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Patients’ rights

Patients’ rights derive from the basic principles of human rights: autonomy and dignity of the person.

Our personnel are committed to respecting your rights in order to establish a transparent and high-quality therapeutic relationship.

Since 2006, the law of Geneva defined the relationship between patients and healthcare professionals and health institutions.


See the brochure “L’ESSENTIEL SUR LES DROITS DES PATIENTS” published by Service du médecin cantonal de Genève 

1. The right to information

2. The right to self-determination

3. The right to treatment

4. The right to medical confidentiality

Other Services

Services for professionals

Radiological request (Servette / Versoix)

Prescription of care

Make an appointment online.

Urgent appointment of general medicine

Charmilles Medical Center

Grand-Saconnex Medical Center

Opale Medical Center

Rue de Lausanne Medical Center

Servette Medical Center

Vevey Medical Centre

Servette Imaging Center

Versoix Imaging Centre