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Communication and confidentiality policy

We are mindful of the efficiency and safety of using electronic mail and forms for communication between the patient, his/her medical centre, healthcare professionals and the administrative department.
We do everything possible to ensure that this service meets the requirements of the Federal Law on Personal Data Protection.
Communications are subject to the following regulations:

We take privacy protection seriously. This confidentiality policy explains to you what we do with the information we have concerning you on the Magellan.ch website (the “Website” or “Magellan”). Kindly take note of our electronic communication policy when you interact with our website in order to contact us or to share data with us, if necessary.

Magellan.ch is a platform managed by Magellan.ch SA (“Magellan”), which has its administrative headquarters at Rue de Vermont 37 at 1202 Geneva. Magellan brings patients into contact with healthcare providers or administrative services in its medical centres located all over the Lake Geneva Region. The terms “We” (or “our”) refer to Magellan which uses the information (“personal data”) of website users and Magellan patients (hereafter designated by: “you” or “your”).

When we use information concerning you, we do so only for the purpose that you specified to us, particularly in order to bring you into contact with the requested healthcare provider or service. Magellan as well as each of its staff is individually responsible for the protection of the information used.

For any question relating to privacy, you may exercise your rights (Section 12) or contact us at info@magellan.ch or by postage at the address in Section 13 of this declaration.

Generally, Magellan does not collect any data about you indirectly, that is, from third parties. Only your healthcare provider is authorized to request for information from third parties with your consent or strictly within the framework of the therapeutic relationship (specialist physicians, social insurance, public authorities, etc) which connect you with him or her.

Information concerning you

The information concerning you that we may collect and use may include:

Information which you provide by yourself

Several services are available via our Website in order to make it possible for you to communicate with us remotely and outside office hours.

You may also decide to provide us with information, for example, when:

  • you book an appointment online via the Website. We thus establish contact with one of our Magellan healthcare providers according to your request;
  • you contact us to obtain additional medical information regarding your treatment;
  • you send us personal data which may contain medical information about you;
  • you contact us for issues related to the use of the Website or for issues related to privacy;
  • you administer your patient record and information about you;

In the cases mentioned above, the information which we collect and use normally depends on the context in which you provided it to us.

Respect for professional confidentiality

We do everything possible to ensure the security and protection of your data. All our healthcare providers as well as our staff have a legal obligation to protect professional confidentiality. Your medical data are used only within the framework of your treatment.

When you send us information via our Website, it is considered as sensitive data, especially when you send us information concerning your health or your private life, amongst others. We specially protect these data that you send to us in order to respect medical confidentiality as well as the Federal Data Protection Law.

Transmission and storage of sensitive data

When you send us medical data, we recommend that you pay attention to the way you store them (computer, mobile devices or external storage). We are not responsible for the use you make of medical data that we may send to you by electronic means and we can no longer guarantee their confidentiality.

For more information, please refer to the section regarding security measures.

Information that is collected automatically

When you access and navigate the Magellan website, we may collect and use some information regarding your device and your use of this digital platform. The information collected may include your IP address, the unique identifier of your device, location data, information on the cookies that we have been able to place on your device and information on the pages visited, the search terms entered or links clicked on the Magellan website. There is more information regarding this in Section 7 below.

Information that we obtain from third parties

Generally, Magellan does not collect any data about you indirectly, that is, from third parties. Only your healthcare provider is authorized to request for information from third parties with your consent or strictly within the framework of the therapeutic relationship (specialist physicians, social insurance, public authorities, etc) which connect you with him or her.

Generally, we use data concerning you only for the purpose of the contractual relationship which connects you to the healthcare provider of your choice who is a part of Magellan.

We also process your information for administrative and billing purposes, as well as for the improvement of the use and user-friendliness of the Website. We collect and use information about you in conformity with the applicable data protection laws, particularly the Federal law and its ordinance on data protection (LPD and OLPD), but also in conformity with obligations binding on our healthcare providers such as cantonal public health laws on respect for medical confidentiality and keeping of the medical record. These obligations are binding on them alone

Legal basis for the processing

Generally, we may use information about you for the following purposes:

For visitors to the Website

Navigation data concerning you (IP address, cookies, reach, etc.) are collected only for statistical purposes and for this purpose; they are anonymized as much as possible. When these data are not anonymized, we process them in accordance with our legitimate interest (overriding interest) to provide you with the service via our Website and in conformity with the applicable data protection law.

For Magellan.ch patients

In general, your data are processed on the basis of the contractual relationship between you and your physician via the Website and beginning from when he receives your personal data. This processing is detailed in the list below. In some cases, we process data for other reasons which are indicated to you in this section.

None of your data is distributed to third parties without protecting their confidentiality and security or your prior consent. We limit access to your data in order to protect professional confidentiality.

Data categories Goal of processing and legal basis Storage duration
Contact details, including your email address, postal address and your telephone number, where applicable In order to make it possible to book appointments online, for the follow-up of your requests, for transmitting medical information to you. 3 months
Update of your medical record At least 20 years
The use of your medical record on the basis of our legitimate interest when it is for the purpose of sending reminders to you or in the event of non-payment of bills. In the event of litigation or legal obligation, your data may be stored for the duration which is strictly necessary for this purpose. A maximum of 1 year, unless there is a legal obligation to store or in the event of litigation
Medical data transmitted as attachments (reports, radiographs, medical prescription, etc.) Therapeutic relationship with your healthcare provider. Magellan receives information and makes it accessible to your healthcare provider. At least 20 years
Sending of medical information by non-encrypted email With your prior consent, we may transmit medical information to you by email.
You can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us at: info@magellan.ch.
You are responsible for the management of your medical data beginning from when they are received.
Collected statistical data The Website processes only anonymized personal data in aggregated form with the aim of gauging the reach and improving the quality and user-friendliness of the Website. When personal data are collected for this purpose, we do so only in accordance with our legitimate interest. A maximum of 26 months

You remain in charge of the confidentiality of your medical data and nobody can get access to your data without your prior consent, except in certain cases limited to emergency situations in particular.

Generally, the Website does not share or make accessible any data about you to third parties other than with one of our staff in charge of the management of your care or any other authorized third party. Only the latter are authorized to process your medical data.

In some limited cases, authorized third parties may access your medical data. They may be:

  1. third parties who provide services for the administration of the Website (information technology services in the event of Website breakdown or for the maintenance of our Website);
  2. other third parties, only when that is required by law or by a judicial decision and that a physician or healthcare provider is released from the duty of medical confidentiality, either by you or by the competent Cantonal surveillance authority or where applicable, in response to a request from the criminal prosecution authorities.

We have concluded agreements with third parties who may process data concerning you so that such processing is carried out in conformity with our instructions, in a confidential, secure and transparent manner, in conformity with your rights (see Section 12 of this declaration) and the Data Protection Law.

Cookies or similar tracking technologies may be used on the Website for the purpose of automatically gathering certain information for statistical purposes only, particularly with Google Analytics or CallTracking services.

Cookie Policy

Necessary cookies.
The cookies that we use make it possible for you to access our platform and make it possible for us to offer you the service. For this purpose, the access data to your account are kept for a maximum duration of 26 months.

Google Analytics cookies.
In order to monitor the use of your session, Google places a cookie (_ga) with a randomly-generated ClientID on your browser. This ID is anonymized and does not contain any identifying information such as electronic address, telephone number, name, etc. We also send your IP address to Google. We use Google Analytics to monitor the behaviour of aggregated websites, for example, the pages you have visited, the duration of your visit, etc. This information is important in order to improve the user experience and determine the effectiveness of the website. If you do not wish for certain data concerning you to be sent to Google Analytics, kindly follow this procedure to unsubscribe.

You can configure your navigation tools at any time and reject cookies that are not necessary for providing you with the service:   Edge | Chrome | Firefox | Safari

Security of Information. We implement all the appropriate technical and organizational measures for protecting personal information at our disposal against unauthorized distribution, use, change or destruction. Furthermore, we are fully committed to protecting all the medical data that we process against any unauthorized access, modification or distribution and in order to protect professional confidentiality.

We have concluded contracts with all our healthcare providers who are part of Magellan as partners, who provide care and medical advice to you, totally independently of Magellan. The Website makes available a secure and centralized computer infrastructure which protects the principles of security and confidentiality of data.

When needed, we use technologies which make it possible for us to protect the information that you provide. Generally, we have configured our computer system so that your medical data are never accessible to our hosting provider without your consent or the authorization of your physician. Our providers are committed to respecting the strict requirements regarding data protection in order to guarantee maximal protection of your personal data.

We are also committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of data concerning you at any time.

We are a limited liability company based in Switzerland, processing the information of persons located in Switzerland. Even though the service is available from all over the world, we operate in Switzerland, in French and English languages. Your information may be shared with third parties who make it possible for Magellan to operate and to provide you with the service you have subscribed for, such as booking appointments online via the Onedoc.ch platform or video consultations.

Occasionally, we may also have to transfer information concerning you outside of Switzerland (e.g., online payment providers, newsletter providers (Mailchimp). etc). However, we do not transmit any medical data outside of Switzerland.

In all cases, the transmission takes place either based on an adequacy decision of the European Commission with Switzerland, or by a transmission mechanism providing a level of protection that is equivalent to that of Switzerland, or within the framework of appropriate measures (including appropriate security measures) taken by Magellan for the purpose of protecting personal information in the countries, territories or concerned international organizations, with respect for the applicable data protection laws


The hosting of your data is located on the servers of Infomaniak in Switzerland and the security of the data is ensured by the latter. You may contact the Infomaniak data protection representative in case you have a question on the hosting of your data.

In general

The period during which we store your personal data depends on the purpose for which these data were collected, the existence or non-existence of a request from you to delete these data, and the existence of a legal obligation requiring the storage of these data.

Generally, we do not store your personal data for a period longer than what is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. This period of storage is indicated in Section 5 of this confidentiality policy.

For any question or request related to data protection, contact us at info@Magellan.ch.

Other Services

Services for professionals

Radiological request (Servette / Versoix)

Prescription of care

Make an appointment online.

Urgent appointment of general medicine

Charmilles Medical Center

Grand-Saconnex Medical Center

Opale Medical Center

Rue de Lausanne Medical Center

Servette Medical Center

Vevey Medical Centre

Servette Imaging Center

Versoix Imaging Centre


In case of a life emergency
call 144

Emergencies Geneva

Emergencies Vaud