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What is it?

Bone densitometry or mineralometry is an imaging technique which makes it possible to assess and measure the density of bone using a very low dose of radiation. It is the reference investigation for the diagnosis of osteoporosis.



You must bring along the following for your investigation:



It is a non-invasive examination which lasts for about 15 minutes. A technician will position you comfortably on the examination table. From then on, the assessment of bone density will be done on 2 target areas: the femoral neck and the lumbar vertebrae.



The diagnosis will be transmitted to the prescribing physician who will receive a detailed report by fax or telephone as from the following day.

We will give you an internet access which will make it possible for you to visualise your images and read the medical report.

In future, you will also be able to request for the report as well as the images for up to 10 years after your investigation.

Other Services

Services for professionals

Radiological request (Servette / Versoix)

Prescription of care

Make an appointment online.

Urgent appointment of general medicine

Charmilles Medical Center

Grand-Saconnex Medical Center

Opale Medical Center

Rue de Lausanne Medical Center

Servette Medical Center

Vevey Medical Centre

Servette Imaging Center

Versoix Imaging Centre


In case of a life emergency
call 144

Emergencies Geneva

Emergencies Vaud